Text in english below
Velkommen til Simon Lindhardts første soloudstilling i galleriet. Udstillingen Cropped består af en serie af geometriske og minimalistiske vægobjekter, som befinder sig et sted mellem det kontrollérbare og det uforudsete. Værkerne er stramme i deres udtryk, men samtidig rummer de forskydninger og forstyrrelser, der står i kontrast til det stringente og geometriske. Det er værker, der kredser om valg og fravalg, om modsætninger og om opløsning og åbenhed.
Fælles for værkerne er, at de er konkrete, minimale og grafiske i deres udtryk. Værkernes overflader skifter fra det glatte og nærmest sterile til det ru og organiske. Enkelte værker har en mere malerisk karakter i kraft af en slags marmorering, men samtidig rummer værket tyngde og hårdhed. Et sted i det stringente og glatte viser der sig en organisk deformitet i værkerne. Det kunne ligne en forbrænding, en mutation eller en infektion. Det er et fremmed element, som står i stærk kontrast til rammens overordnede stringens. Måske er denne deformitet netop årsagen til værkets opløsning og åbenhed?
Værkerne kan minde om billedrammer. Men her er rammernes profiler forlængede og forskudte, og de fortsætter udover rammens kant i en slags frigørende forskydning. Rammen optræder som et levende, selvstændigt objekt og ikke som sekundær til det billede, den normalt omkranser.
Ordet ”crop” betyder ”at beskære”, og det kendes især fra billedbehandlingsprogrammer. Det er det, der bliver tilbage efter beskæring, og som er essensen af noget. Det er det vigtige. Det er det, man gerne vil vise. Det, som man bevidst har taget stilling til og nøje udvalgt. Derfor er det også en form for kontrol og iscenesættelse.
Simon Lindhardt (f. 1982) er uddannet på Det Fynske Kunstakademi i 2008. Han bor og arbejder på Møn. Han var i en årrække bosiddende i Berlin, og har udstillet en lang række steder i Tyskland. Herhjemme har han blandt andet haft udstillinger på Mønstings Hus, Kunstpakhuset i Ikast, Skitsehandlen i Fåborg, ligesom han har deltaget på gruppeudstillinger på Trapholt, Kunstmuseet Brandts, Silkeborg Bad og Malmø Kunsthal. I 2021 udstiller han endvidere på Ringsted Galleriet og hos Format Art Space.
Galleri Lene Bilgrav is pleased to present the exhibition Cropped with works by Simon Lindhardt. This is Simon Lindhardt’s first solo exhibition in the gallery, and at the exhibition he shows a number of completely new works.
The new works by Simon Lindhardt is a series of geometric and minimalist wall objects, which are located somewhere between the controllable and the unforeseen. The works are tight in their expression, but at the same time they have displacements and disturbances that stand in contrast to the rigorous and geometric. These are works that revolve around choices and the deselected about contradictions, resolution and openness.
Common to the works is that they are concrete and minimal in their expression. The surfaces of the works change from the smooth and almost sterile to the rough and organic. Some works have a more picturesque character by virtue of a kind of marbling, but at the same time the work contains weight and hardness. Somewhere in the austere and smooth, an organic deformity appears in the works. It could look like a burn, a mutation or an infection. It is a foreign element, which stands in stark contrast to the overall rigor of the work. Perhaps this deformity is precisely the reason for the dissolution and openness of the work?
The works are reminiscent of picture frames. But here the profiles of the frames are extended and staggered, and they continue beyond the edge of the frame in a kind of liberating displacement. The frame appears as a living, independent object and not as secondary to the image it normally encircles.
The word “crop” means “to crop” and it is especially known from image editor programs. It is what remains after a picture has been cropped and is the essence of something. What remains is the important thing. That is what you choose to show. That which has been deliberately decided on and carefully selected. Therefore, it is also has to do with control and staging.
Simon Lindhardt (b. 1982) graduated from the Funen Art Academy in 2008. He lives and works on Møn. He lived in Berlin for a number of years and has exhibited in a number of places in Germany. In Denmark he has had exhibitions at Mønstings Hus, Kunstpakhuset in Ikast, Skitsehandlen in Fåborg, as well as he has participated in group exhibitions at Trapholt, Kunstmuseet Brandts, Silkeborg Bad and Malmø Kunsthal. He will also be exhibiting at Ringsted Gallery and at Format Art Space in 2021.
- Simon Lindhardt: “Cropped”, 24.04 – 22.05.2021
- Simon Lindhardt: “Cropped”, 24.04 – 22.05.2021
- Simon Lindhardt: “Cropped”, 24.04 – 22.05.2021
- Simon Lindhardt: “Cropped”, 24.04 – 22.05.2021
- Simon Lindhardt: Anything out of which something is made”, 2021. Bemalet træ / Painted wood, 155 x 119,5 x 12 cm
- Simon Lindhardt: “The Institute”, 2021 Bemalet træ / Painted wood, 82 x 62 x 8 cm
- Simon Lindhardt: “The Cosplayer”, 2021 Bemalet træ / Painted wood, 61 x 102 x 9 cm
- Simon Lindhardt: ”The Nature of Things”, 2021, Bemalet træ / Painted wood, 173 x 70 x 6 cm
- “The Nature of Things”, detail
- Simon Lindhardt: ”Dual Diagnosis”, 2021, Bemalet træ / Painted wood, 140 x 58,5 x 9 cm
- “Dual Diagnosis”, detail
- Simon Lindhardt: ”Just Cruising with the Bruising”, 2021, Bemalet træ / Painted wood, 124 x 105 x 8,5 cm
- “Just Cruising with the Bruising”, detail